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Technique: Ink, pencil and watercolor

Support: Moleskine

Size in cm: 15x21

Australia-NuovaZelanda, 2019-21

N. 144 Pages with Original Drawings

Sketch Book Australia-New Zeland

  • This is a beautiful collection of drawings, thoughts, watercolors made during my very long journey between Australia and especially New Zealand, where I spent almost 3 years, blocked during the Covid 19 lockdown. There are numerous drawings collected in this sketchbook, very different from each other. Here you will also find the original drafts of many works that belong to the DreamLand, Kiwiland and Bestiario collections. There are catalogs of spiders from Australia and landscapes. In short, this is a very precious document for me, too. For these reasons the price is high, and I hope that one day you will find a collector who fully appreciates the works contained in this artist's book!

    Questa e' una bellissima raccola di disegni, pensieri, acquerelli realizzati nel mio lunghissimo viaggio tra Australia e soprattutto in Nuova Zelanda, dove ho passato quasi 3 anni, bloccato durante il lockdown del Covid 19. Sono numerosissimi i disegni raccolti in questo sketchbook, molto diversi fra loro. Qui troverete anche le bozze originali di moltissime opere che appartengono alle collezioni DreamLand, Kiwiland e Bestiario. Sono presenti cataloghi di ragni dell'australia e paesaggi. Insomma e' un documento questo molto prezioso per me, troppo. Per queste ragioni il prezzo e' alto, e spero che un giorno trovera' un collezionista che appressi appieno le opere contenute in questo libro d'artista!

    My sketchbooks are frequently used by me for drawing or painting as a part of my creative process. I use the sketchbook as a sort of blueprint for future art pieces. It is a very precious document for me, which I usually carry with me for a year. Many have traveled around the world, others have always been in the studio. The price is high, because the intrinsic value is high. Some contain sketches of compositions that became paintings. More unpublished sketches of something I never developed. Others are urban sketches. In short, there really is everything in these little art books.

    All sketchbook are signed with certificate of authenticity.

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