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Deck of 22 cards, The Major Arcana.

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Bestial Tarot

  • Tarot cards are a passion that began in adolescence when my cousin read them to me and told me about them. I always had a pleasant thrill like more a shiver, in having them read to me and I soon ended up learning how to read them. I often read to myself and occasionally read them to people who I felt they needed them. Just recently I decided to create a deck drawn from me. This project was born on my last trip to South America, fascinated by the animal world, especially the Amazonian one but not only. In this deck I retrace the initiatory journey of the hero who in the case of my tarot cards the characters all become animals in a nocturnal vision, black and white, or rather sepia, without color to force the focus on the symbolism that these arcana show and hide.Only the major arcana are available here but soon I will also draw the minor ones in the same style! Subscribe my mailing list for free in contact to be updated directly to this project and more.

    Inspired by the traditional Tarot of Marseille, this set of Major Arcana has animals and the relationship with humans.

    I tried to maintain the rich symbolism and detail found in the Camoin tarot but without the colors that for my taste would have been too much.

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    Thank you  for your visit and who knows thanks for choosing my version and I wish you a good read.

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